Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Boyfriend

As some of you may know, I'm currently studying Proverbs 31 and I found a study aid from Liberty Online Ministries called "Virtuous Fear". While read the 2nd chapter of the aid entitled "Behind Every Good Man...", I realized something; before we can enter in a physical relationship, we must display the traits of the virtuous woman in our relationship with God. This particular section deals with the 11th verse which reads, "The heart of her husband trusts in hear, and he will have no lack of gain". In other words, "He has absolute confidence in her faithfulness" [The Expositor's Study Bible].

I have always heard single saved women say that they were "dating" the Lord. A lot times in the past some people, including myself, would consider that statement to be sort of a cop out and that in reality the women who say that just wanted to comfort themselves from the fact that the right guy hasn't approached them. I really didn't understand the importance of "dating" the Lord until, honestly, a few weeks ago. It was like a light bulb came on and I said "ohhhhhhh, I get it now!" Not saying that I'm trying to cover up the fact that I'm not dating anyone, but how can I be in a Godly relationship if I haven't allowed the Lord to show me what responsibility I need to take on in that role? It has been said that a girl learns true love of a man from her father; that it is the first and most important encounter of love from a male that she will ever have. This is also true of the heavenly Father, especially so because of the spiritual aspect that is required for a Godly union to be successful.

"Behind every good man stands a good woman"...."He has absolute confidence in her faithfulness"......FAITHFULNESS......do we show complete faithfulness to God? Of course we know that He is always faithful to us, but are we to Him? In the physical relationship, we as women, are to have our man's back , be "down to ride" and be supportive. Are we like that in our relationship with God? Is He confident in our faithfulness? It's just food for thought. My task this week is to take time out to make sure MY BOYFRIEND [the Lord], is confident in my faithfulness.

Here's a little inspiration for today: Kierra "KiKi" Sheard - My Boyfriend

If you would like to join in the study click here for the study aid.

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