Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Change Your Attitude (Walk in Love)"


"This is a great principle for all of the 'nasty' attitudes we posses, at times. I have experienced too many 'bad' attitudes. I simply got tired of having a bad attitude. Who wants to be mad, upset, tired, depressed, jealous, envious, frustrated and unhappy all the time? Not me! Hopefully, not you too! I really got tired of being jealous of someones else's clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair, or boyfriend. I got fed up with comparing myself to other people, and feeling like I had to compete with their accomplishments to prove that I was someone important. I got tired of rolling my eyes at other women, acting like I did not see them look my way. It requires too much effort to be 'nasty' toward someone who nine time out of ten, has gone on with their own lives and completely forgotten about why we are mistreating them in the first place. God is challenging us to repent, to apologize to people to stop holding grudges and to stop wearing out feelings on our sleeve. How can you achieve sexual purity with jealously, frustration, bitterness and anxiety in your heart? Impossible!

What is the solution? The solution is walking in love, according to 1 Corinthians 13. Examine verses 4 through 8. 

'Love suffers long and is patient and kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails...'

I had to change my attitude and learn to be truly patient and kind with people. After all, God has been patient with me even in the midst of my silliness, ignorance and stupidity.

I learned how to compliment someone else, on the shoes, jewelry makeup clothes, promotion, new house or car instead of being jealous of them. You too, must realize that everything God has for you has your name on it. It belongs to you. No one else can take what God Has promised you, so just relax! Stop being so anxious! Nobody is going to take you husband, and nobody is going get your wife, but you. My Pastor says, 'If it's God, it won't spoil.' Translation: if your relationship with a young man or young woman is a relationship that is born of God, and meant to be, it will be. One year from now, three years from now, or ten years from now...your relationship will not spoil. Be easy! No need for competition or comparison, fellas. And ladies, no for being 'catty', we are sisters in the Lord. Your destiny, dreams, and desires are tailor-made, just for you. We can be happy for others and put jealously, envy, competition, comparison and judgment aside, when we walk in love."

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